I have been tagged by my brother (Francis)...I'm not sure if he knew that I was reading his blog because I am procrastinating finishing my paper or he was planning on later sending an email out about this. Anywho, here are the rules:
The first player of this game started with the topic "Five Weird Habits of Yourself," and then tagged 5 people, who then had to write an entry about their five quirky little habits, as well as state the rules of this game clearly, and then list the next 5 people they wanted to tag. So here goes.(You can click on the above link - the title - to read his list of weird habits)
1. I always try to clean my plate/rice bowl when I eat a meal.This comes from an old chinese superstition that my mother taught me (it might have just been a tactic to convince me to eat all of my dinner, but it works), that for the number of grains of rice that are left in your bowl will number the pock marks on your husband's face. I also read this in the Joy Luck Club so I guess my mother didn't make it up :)
2. I like to collect things (especially crafty things).For example, i have a great paper collection because I do a lot of card making and a little bit of scrapbooking, and you can never have enough paper. I also have many different types of punches, scissors, pens, paints, etc... But I also collect things like cereal - I think that there are three different cereal boxes on my counter because I like having a variety of cereals to choose from.
3. I like things to match.I like matching sets - sweater sets, dish sets, underwear, tracksuits, etc. This may be why I have so much stuff, but this can also be traced back to number 2 - I like to collect things.
4. I shake my leg when I am very tense, tired, or just plain bored.I find it hard to sit still. A lot of times I won't even notice that I am shaking until someone (usually my co-workers) asks me to stop.
5. I touch my hair a lot.Especially when I am nervous. My dad once made fun of me after I MCed a show when I was younger because I was constantly flipping my hair whenever I was on stage. I learned from that to tie up my hair in situations where I might get very nervous in front of a lot of people.
So there are my five weird habits...maybe not so weird, but definitely not usual :)
I tag: Geofford, Jaclyn, Damian, Tracy and Dad.