Thursday, May 17, 2007


People have been wondering why I have been sad for the past few days and I really haven't known what to say. Monday, Geofford and I found out that one of our friends Nick Hamilton passed away last week in Japan. Although I only met him a few times, I know what he meant to Geofford and his friends. He was a great guy and it was always exciting to read about his adventures on the other side of the world. Whenever Geofford and I talked about our big plans to travel to Asia (which we keep putting off...) we always planned on stopping in on Nick wherever he was. Although we aren't sure when we will make it to the other side of the world, we will definitely have to visit some of the sights in Japan.


britcanadagal said...

Oh! Jules... that is sad. He's quite's always hard when they young. Kinda eerie too to read the blog. But I suppose that's what his friends can treasure.. I wish I had when one of my UK friends died at 21.
Thinking of you..

Omar Cruz said...
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