Saturday, April 02, 2005

Light at the end of the tunnel....

I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel. I completed two out of four "assigments" due Thursday and Friday and now only have one paper and one presentation left to finish, and both are due on Tuesday, so I am quite excited that the terms is coming to a close. I have about 15 pages left to write , and a presentation to prepare for Tuesday, but I have faith that I will get them done.

On a completely different note, I am very sad that the Pope John Paul II's health is so weak right now. Although he maintained a lot of traditional values of the church to be important, he was also created new initiatives such as World Youth Day which had a large impact on people. I was present at the World Youth Day in 2002 in Toronto and I will never forget seeing him. There was such a peace that came over the crowd when he was at the Exhibition Center. You could just feel that he was close. I was fortunate to have been right close to the barriers when he drove by, so I was less than a meter away from him. As he passed by you could feel the love and peace that he radiated. I will never forget that experience. I wish Pope John Paul II the best, and I hope that he will make it through this illness. If not, I hope that the next pope is just as inspiring as this one.

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